Friday, May 2, 2008

Robert Mugabe, hero or zero?

I had a good look at Youtube video sent my a member calling himself mugabeisright and I really appreciate that he set it up. I want to give him my thoughts though. I think he should defend Mugabe's policy and not his personality, which, I don't if you agree has flaws like every human being. His policy and cause is very noble and fulfils the historical maxim, in a revolution unfortunately people die physically and most importantly mentally. People are being brain washed and don't realise that many people who claim to be our friends and looking out for our interests are nothing but actors.

Race and even tribe among we Zimbabweans complicate most peoples analysis of Mugabe's policies and greed, incompetence and selfishness leave this leader unclothed. The question at one point or the other will and has come up, why has Mugabe let corrupt Ministers and Civil Servants go scot free when they, steal and plunder national resources? But this is the start of my argument which sways back in Mugabes favour. Lets agree that Mugabe has been wrong by virtue of the fact that he reined over these criminals, when they steal these resources and bank them outside, someone has to accept these monies. Corruption is a two way street. If there was no one to receiv their ill begotten wealth no one would be motivated to steal. Double standards are at play here, what makes Mugabe different from Paul Biya (, nothing except that he rules over a piece of land not highly rated by the US and UK.

Lastly I want to say I think Tsvangirai is the only choice for people not because they hate Mugabe's policies but because they are not satisfied with him as a person. All they want is change and thats where Mugabe really dropped the ball because he should have called upon younger blood from within his flock. I have also had that Tsvangirai has dictatoral tendencies which played a major role in the breakup of the MDC. He has had eight or so years to take aim and this is a political fight in AFRICA not a tea party in a British Palace so it gets tough, hot, dangerous. I'm sure he knew that when he decided to go for it. Sometimes I worry that this man is now just worried about feeding his family and continuing to receive donor money which requires very little accountability if any at all as I heard one very senior MDC official in South Africa confessed one day. Just like ZANU PF, Opposition Politics and the spoils that come from it are now jobs for the boys. If that is the case then I would rather go with the devil that I know.

How real are the threats of recolonisation, imperialism and double standards as Robert Mugabe has been warning for years?

1 comment:

Elie Smith said...

Hello Sir/ Madam,
Congratulations for having set up your own blog. I may whimsically call it shop and it is aptly called Let's talk. I am glad at the angle you have taken, for it appears you want to be objective. But mind you, in this world of ours, objectivity is not good, but it pays to tell the truth.
Mugabe is not a saint, but to single him out for public lynching is a manifest hypocrisy from the authors and at variant with values that they preach. Good luck my brother or sister and remain Blessed.